
Restoring Order from Chaos

Piano Tuning

Setting the pitch of the piano to Standard A440 and fine tuning the instrument for optimal intonation.

Makin’ it sound good.


Some common repairs include: Fixing or replacing broken and missing parts, loosening up sticky keys, chasing down rattling sounds and squeaks and getting rid of them, as well as pencil and paperclip retrieval and removal. All to insure the proper function of your instrument.

Makin’ it work good.


The adjustment of the playing mechanism of the piano, resulting in greater consistency of touch and ease of expression.

Makin’ it feel good.

Voicing and Tone Regulation

Meticulous work on the hammers to adjust the tone and volume of the instrument as well as the consistency of volume and tone across the keyboard.

Makin’ it sing good.

Historical Tuning

Ever wonder what Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier actually sounded like? What is Well Temperament? Re-discover the all-but-lost meaning of the phrase “key color”, and the joys of historical tunings. Contact me with questions, or ask while I am tuning your piano, and I will happily tell you all about it. If you like, I can tune your piano in a historical style.

Makin’ its soul good.

Piano Lessons

In addition to my technical services, I offer piano lessons for beginners and intermediate students, ages 6 and up, with coaching for more advanced students.

I offer instruction in music reading, basic musical competence, piano technique, classical repertoire and expressive performance.

My teaching style is joyful, unpretentious, and exacting. My students learn to play with a high level of refinement, while still being allowed to be just exactly who they are.

Get the most out of your piano in all the ways possible.

Makin’ it all good.